Monday, July 7, 2008

Well, the feria's over, it was fun. I have a few new small projects going. I'm doing weekly trips to the public library with the school kids. Last week me and one teacher brought 60 1st graders to the library and I read them a few books whith children's rights themes, like right to education, to equality, to family and care, etc, and we talked about what rights are. It was fun and the kids really liked the books. On Wednesday, I´m going to bring the 3rd graders.
Also, a program called Educatodos, which does continuing education for communities that don't have middle schools or high schools, asked me to help them with English classes. So on Saturday I went up to one community in the mountains to answer thier English questions and practice pronouncing vocabulary with them. On Friday I'll be going to another community to help them. Sorry this entry's short, but I've got to go.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are doing so well, and enjoying what you're doing. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
Love you!
Grandma Jan

Anonymous said...

You seem to be becoming quite the teacher!!! But then, to some extent, that runs in the Brynda family. Do stay upbeat, and travel safely. Love to you,
Aunt Eileen